Our Journey

It all began with a simple realization – the snacks we love should not only satisfy our taste buds but also fuel our bodies with natural goodness. We were tired of settling for processed, unhealthy options filled with artificial ingredients and empty calories. Driven by the desire to make a change, we embarked on a journey to create a snacking revolution that would redefine the way people snack.

Our Mission

At Troo Natural, our mission is crystal clear: to craft high-quality, protein-packed snacks that inspire healthier lifestyles and invigorate the snacking experience. We believe that snacking should be both delightful and nourishing, making you feel good from the inside out. That’s why we only use the finest ingredients – grassfed beef and pink Himalayan salt – to ensure every bite offers exceptional taste and superior nutritional value.

Quality You Can Trust

Transparency and integrity are at the heart of everything we do. We source our grassfed beef from trusted farms that prioritize ethical and sustainable practices. Our commitment to purity means you’ll never find added hormones, antibiotics, or any harmful additives in our products. With Troo Natural, you can snack with confidence, knowing you’re indulging in clean, wholesome goodness.


Fathia Madania

Driven by her love for the outdoors, Fathia recognized the significance of nourishing her body with clean, wholesome foods. As she delved deeper into the world of nutrition, she discovered the power of protein-packed, natural snacks to fuel her active lifestyle. This realization sparked the idea for Troo Natural – a brand dedicated to providing the highest quality, grassfed beef snacks seasoned with pink Himalayan salt. By combining her passion for clean eating and her love for the great outdoors, Fathia aims to empower others to embrace healthier choices and savor life’s adventures to the fullest.

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